Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Abortion pill should always be preceded by Transvaginal Sonography

I had an interesting case recently who gave me a clear cut history of having taken mifepristone and misoprostol from another doctor on the 20th of August 2009 after having missed her periods on the 15th of August ( her LMP was 15th July2009). Following which she had bleeding for 11 days.
She came to me on 4th September 2009 with the complaint of severe vomiting. I went for a whole abdomen scan. We discovered that she had an ectopic pregnany in her left tube. I got her ßHCG done it was 36454units and repeat ßHCG was 42756 units. 
On 10th September we did a laparoscopic removal of the tube with the ectopic pregnancy.
This case shows clearly the need to identify an intrauterine pregnancy with the help of ultrasound before, using the abortion pill. The need for this post arose with one NGO propagating over-the-counter sale of abortion pills indiscriminately.


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